The season was not great, but it could be worst. All the roses were killed to the ground level (except ‘Eddie’s jewel’, ‘Emily Carr’ and ‘Oscar Peterson’) but all of them struggled to come back and bloomed (somewhat) in August; no winter kills.

Many Echinacea either struggled or were in decline except ‘Coconut Lime’, ‘Milkshake’ and most of the pink varieties.
Some Clematis were happy; not only extended their blooming duration, even tried to rebloom here and there.

Waterlily and Lotus were happy too.

Lobelia ‘Crown Royal’ were in their second years and were showing off.

Normally, a harsh winter like this would kill the wisteria flower buds but not Wisteria macrostachya ‘Blue Moon’
Unlike last year, the fall colours were glorious.