Rockery Treasures

Over the years, many small and petite plants that I adopted were spread around the garden trying to fit in. A few ‘experimental rockery areas’ were eventually prepared to accommodate these little treasures. These plants look and survive better in a rockery environment.
Although my rockery garden areas are not intended to ‘simulate alpine conditions’ as in a ‘real rock garden’, I still want to try some of these ‘alpine’ treasures out of curiosity. My limited experimental rockery gardens so far indicates to me that weeding in a rockery garden requires more frequent effort than my other garden areas. In my haste to try out ‘rockery plants’, I keep forgetting that many of them can be weedy and invasive by self-sowing or root running like many other perennials. Information about such characteristics of this class of plants may not be readily available. Most perennial reference books I have tend to skip this class of plants.
So far, I have kept each of my rockery garden area small enough that weeding requirement does not appear to be overly futile at a glance, but big enough that my little rockery plants do not look like weeds around the bigger plants in the garden, and their beauties can be individually appreciated (by me).

  • Rockery in June

Rockery in June

Rockery in July

Rockery in July

Rockery in June

Rockery in June

ANTHYLLIS vulneraria ‘Dark Red’ in June

Campanula in July

LEWISIA longipetala ‘Little Plum’ in June

MONARDELLA macrantha ex. Marian Sampson’ in August

MONARDELLA macrantha ex. Marian Sampson’ in June

POLYGALA chamaebuxus ‘Rdodoptera’ in May

SAXIFRAGA ‘Karel Hynek Macha’ in March

Androsace primuloides ‘Jasmina Salmon Variety’ in June

Campanula fragilis cavolinii in July

Campanula ‘Samantha’ in July

Chiastophyllum oppositifolium in June

Gentiana paradoxa in August

GENTIANA septemfida ‘Bella Alpinella’ in July

Origanum x ‘Kent Beauty’ in August

ORIGANUM x ‘Kent Beauty’ in August

Rockery patch in June (B3)

Saxifraga x hofmannii ‘Volgeri’ in May

SAXIFRAGA cochlearis in June

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